Do you know what’s for dinner this week?
So, I think some of you thought I was a little bit crazy when I decided to go back to monthly meal planning. If so, your’e gonna truly question my sanity when I tell you why I’m not doing it any more.
It’s because I’ve switched to seasonal meal planning.
Yep. Three months at a time!
I plan to write a detailed post about it but for now you can get an idea of what I’m talking about by reading this post I wrote for the humbled homemaker.
I know that not everyone is ready to jump into quarterly meal planning though! So I’m going to keep posting my weekly meal plans here and I’ll link to whichever meals I have posts for. Remember, sometimes I update this post during the week as I cook the meals on the list and get photos! So if there’s a meal that sounds good but isn’t linked, it probably will be soon.
Here’s what our family will be eating for dinner this coming week:
Ritz Chicken, Boiled Potatoes, Green Beans
Grilled shrimp, Loaded baked potatoes
Pepper Steak, Baked Potatoes
Cheesy chicken Enchiladas
Hamburgers, Beans
Pizza Burgers, French Fries, Peas
BLTs, Broccoli salad
If we decide to make a dessert I’ll come back and let you know.
Enjoy your week! And don’t forget to pin your favorite recipes!
Update: We made dessert!
click the picture or the link below.
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Jen Harris says
The chicken enchiladas recipe sounds wonderful! I’ve been looking for a good one. Thanks!
Beth Cranford says
I hope you like it Jen!
Heather @ My Overflowing Cup says
I’m looking forward to your post on how you meal plan seasonally. I really enjoyed your post on Humbled Homemaker. I think it’s fun to enter a new season of cooking, as I often remember some favorites that we haven’t enjoyed in months.
Beth Cranford says
Heather, that’s one thing I like about seasonal cooking. You get to have foods you haven’t had in a while so you’re not sick of them. And there is the emotional side of getting excited about grilling or that warm, comfy feeling of settling down to a nice bowl of beef stew in the fall!
Rosann says
Love that you’ve switched gears to seasonal meal planning. I love planning three months out at a time. Makes life so much easier, I think. I must admit I don’t always take time to do the meal planning though. When I do, it works wonderfully for our family. Curious…do you also plan breakfast and lunch, especially during summer months when there tends to be more family gathering for meals? I have in the past and it really took so much stress off my shoulders when I had hungry kids asking “what’s for lunch, mom?”
Beth Cranford says
That’s a tough question, do I plan lunches and breakfast? I’d like to say “yes, very faithfully” but no, not so much. I never can think of anything good to eat! But I had a “come to Jesus” moment last night when balancing the checkbook and realized it doesn’t matter if I can’t think of good things to eat. I need to make a plan so we have SOMETHING to eat and we’re not running to Sonic!
Hopefully I’ll get better at it! I know how much it helps when I take the time to do it!